Қазақстан темiр жолы

Personnel development

The company regularly works to develop the professional, personal, business and managerial competencies of its employees. Currently, the Company operates five training centers, which are located in different regions of the country. 
At the training centers in 2023, 22 034 employees were trained, the total number of employees trained in the reporting period was 38 918 employees, for a total amount of 1.9 billion tenge.

The Company has more than 50 highly qualified internal trainers who are experts in their fields. In 2023, internal trainers provided training for more than 8 000 employees on personal and business topics such as conflict management, stress resistance, effective communications, customer focus, digital skills, performance management, etc.

As part of the mobile school of internal trainers “Bilim Express”, over 6 000 employees of the Company at the regional level were trained on the topics: “Stressmanagment”, “Conflict Management”, “Customer Focus” and “Effective Communications”.


Training and development in numbers

Average number of training hours per year per employee by gender, age and category for 2023

Staff training

Top management


Production personnel

Total number of employee training hours per year for each category, hours


150 582

1 578 723

Total number of employees in each category, people


6 876

109 576

Average number of training hours per employee of each category, hours





Staff training



Total number of employee training hours per year for each category, hours

298 297

1 431 207

Total number of employees in each category, people

26 083

90 477

Average number of training hours per employee of each category, hours




Staff training

Up to 30 years old

30-50 years old

over 51 years old

Total number of employee training hours per year for each category, hours

218 495

218 495

315 875

Total number of employees in each category, people

19 491

65 775

31 294

Average number of training hours per employee of each category, hours





Average number of training hours per year per employee by gender, age and category for 2023

Сorporate programs
Return on investment in human capital
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