Қазақстан темiр жолы

Interaction with stakeholders

Interaction with stakeholders is an integral element of our Company's activities. The dialogue carried out by the Company and stakeholders has a significant impact on sustainable development.  We strive to build and maintain strong relationships with our stakeholders, including employees, trade unions, customers, suppliers, government agencies, etc.

The Company's interaction with stakeholders is based on the following principles:

• respect and consideration of the interests, opinions and preferences of stakeholders;

• timely and regular informing of stakeholders;

• responsible fulfillment of the obligations assumed.

Key groups of stakeholders with whom the Company interacts in the course of its activities






Defining the essential topics of the Report

The opinion of our stakeholders is taken into account when forming a Report in the field of sustainable development.

By significant topics, the Company understands such topics that reflect the significant impacts of NC KTZ  JSC on the economy, the environment, personnel and society, and can also significantly affect the assessments and decisions of stakeholder groups.

As part of the preparation of the Report , significant topics are identified by two criteria: 

• the importance of the topic for stakeholders;

• the extent of the Company's influence on the topic.

The definition of essential topics is carried out in 3 stages: 

• compilation of a list of possible significant topics (questionnaire development); 

• survey of stakeholder groups;

• building a matrix of essential topics.

When developing the list of significant topics, the Company took into account the principles of the UN Global Compact and non-financial reporting standards GRI Standards.

We invite our interested parties to participate in the identification of significant topics by completing the survey below at the link.



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