Қазақстан темiр жолы

Conservation of biodiversity

According to the requirements of the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, when designing the activities of the railway industry, an assessment of the impact of the projected activities on the environment is carried out. 

As part of the environmental impact assessment, when planning the planned activity - the construction of railway tracks, the impacts on the flora and fauna are assessed.

Particular attention is paid to the preservation of natural unchanging landscapes in the area, the impact on the geographical distribution of species and groups of animals, as well as their numbers. All types of vegetation cover of steppe and forest-steppe zones, all types of animals (mammals, insectivores, hares, rodents, carnivores, artiodactyls and others) living in this area and their migrations are studied.

In accordance with the nature of the predicted impact on vegetation and wildlife, special organizational and preventive measures are envisaged during the construction of facilities: 

•  reduction or prevention of mechanical disturbance of the soil and vegetation cover by mandatory compliance with the boundaries during construction and installation works and organization of control over the use of land resources;

•  exclusion of fuel spills, their timely elimination; 

•  sanitary cleaning of construction areas.

Without a qualitative and quantitative assessment of the environmental impact and without a state environmental assessment, access to the project of the planned activity is not carried out.

Biodiversity assessment
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