Қазақстан темiр жолы

Anti-corruption measures

Corruption is a serious barrier to the sustainable development of the Company - it reduces economic growth, distorts competition, undermines investor confidence, as it is associated with serious legal and reputational risks.

Corruption is a social evil that requires intervention and elimination. But an effective fight against this negative phenomenon is impossible without a sufficiently complete and accurate knowledge of its essence, the specific conditions for its occurrence and consequences.

The Board of Directors of NC KTZ JSC sets the tone from above and plays a key role in shaping a culture of intolerance towards corruption and creating a system for preventing and combating corruption in the Company.

In order to assist the Board of Directors of NC KTZ JSC in the construction and effective functioning of the anti-corruption control system, including compliance by all employees of the Company with ethical standards and responsible behavior, the Compliance Service was created in the structure of NC KTZ JSC.

The Board of Directors of NC KTZ JSC approved the Anti-Corruption Policy, which establishes the requirements of the anti-corruption legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and obligations for its implementation, as well as a set of measures to prevent and combat corruption in the Company. The Company has confidential information channels, including a hotline, through which employees and third parties can express their concerns about aspects of the Company's activities. Hotline contacts are posted on the corporate website in the corporate mobile application, in office premises and at production sites.

The procedure for submitting and considering messages and other provisions regarding the confidential information mechanism are set out in the Confidential Information Policy at NC KTZ JSC, which is approved by the Board of Directors of NC KTZ JSC. The company guarantees the protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the applicant, including the preservation of the employee's workplace.

In order to prevent and resolve conflicts of interest, the Board of Directors of NC KTZ JSC approved a new Policy on preventing and resolving conflicts of interest of officials and employees of NC KTZ JSC.

The Policy defines situations of conflict of interest, measures to prevent and resolve them, as well as the responsibility of all participants in the process of conflict of interest management.

The Company approved the Anti-Corruption Standard in the field of procurement, the purpose of which is to form a sustainable anti-corruption behavior and persons of employees working in the field of procurement. 

The Company also approved the Algorithm of actions for the implementation of the institution of dismissal and prosecution of managers for the commission of corruption crimes by subordinates and the Instruction on the behavior of top managers in the event of an employee being detained by authorized state bodies.


Regulation on the Compliance Service of the JSC NC Kazakhstan Termir Zholy
Anti-corruption Policy in the Joint Stock Company National company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy
Confidential informing Policy in the Joint Stock Company National company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy
Code of ethics and conduct of JSC NC KTZ and subsidiaries
Policy on prevention and resolving of conflict of interests amongst officials and employees of the JSC «NC «Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»
Hotline calls
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