Қазақстан темiр жолы

Our address: 010000, Republic of Kazakhstan, Astana city, Konaev street, 6


Telephone numbers of employees of JSC "NC" KTZ ":  +7 (7172) 93-01-11


+7 (7172) 60 42 29 

+7 (7172) 60 42 43  


Unified reference and information Center (reference service, reception of requests) regarding the activities of JSC "Passenger Transportation": 1433  (round-the-clock operation)



Please visit our Passenger Portal  for information on traveling, booking, FAQs, further contacts etc.

+ 7 (778) 257-64-94  (WhatsApp) - Issues on the return of tickets


Branch of JSC "NC "KTZ" - "Integrated Planning Directorate"

Information for shippers: 8-7172 - 60-32-75,


"Passenger transportation"

Central office ASU DKR call-center:+7 (7172) 60-67-66

"Nysana" Call center receives free calls for all Social and labor violations 24/7.

 - multichannel phone 8-800-080-30-30;

- WhatsApp 8-702-075-30-30;

- Website;

- E-mail



Ombudsman:+7 (7172) 60-40-31


Press center:  (E-mail: - email only for receiving requests from a media representative)




 Appeals of individuals and legal entities

PROCEDURE for reviewing appeals


Please send your request/letter using the form below

Important! Requests (proposals, statements, complaints, responses) of individuals and legal entities addressed to the management of NC KTZ JSC must comply with the requirements of clause 2 of Article 93 of the Administrative Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 29, 2020 N 350-VI.

Documents addressed to the management of NC KTZ JSC must have mandatory details in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 2 of the Rules for Documentation, Documentation Management and the Use of Electronic Document Management Systems in State and Non-Governmental Organizations, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 31, 2018 No. 703

Dear Requestor,

Since March 2022, NC KTZ JSC, its structural divisions and subsidiaries have been connected to the E-Otinish information system (hereinafter referred to as the System); it provides for the possibility for applicants to control the progress of execution of requests and submit additional documents to their requests at any time, notifications at each stage of processing requests.

In this regard, for information, we inform you that in the future you can send requests to NC KTZ JSC, its structural divisions and subsidiaries through the System.

Best regards, 

Administrative Support Office

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