Қазақстан темiр жолы

Occupational health and industrial safety


Employees of the Company are its core asset. Therefore, ensuring safe working conditions for employees and protecting their health in the course of the Company's activities are indisputable tasks of particular importance. 

The industrial safety processes are managed in compliance with the Guidelines on Health and Occupational Safety Management System . The Guidelines are elaborated in accordance with the requirements of ISO 45001:2018 and GOST 12.0.230. The Guidelines are an underlying document to regulate health and occupational safety management at the NC KTZ JSC Group. 

The occupational safety management system is to ensure labor safety and protection of health of the Company’s employees, subcontractors and other stakeholders, who may be exposed to hazards attributable to the activities of the Company and its branch organizations.

The Guidelines are applicable to the Company and its branch organizations and shall be binding upon all its employees.

The guidelines on Health and Occupational Safety Management System.


Compliance of the Management System with the International Standards


In 2023, the Company continued to improve the working environment, prevent occupational injuries and occupational diseases. 2,106 measures were implemented. 

7,854.6 million Tenge was spent to improve the working environment and labor protection.

Integrated Industrial Safety System

The automated Integrated Industrial Safety System (IISS) has been successfully functioning at the Company. The System includes the following modules: internal controls, behavioral safety dialogues, incident, emergency, safety alerts and newsletters management, environment protection, industrial facility work conditions certification process, questionnaire survey, and safety shares. 

Over 100 thousand employees are the users of IISS. Using his/her mobile application, each employee may shutdown the unsafe operations, if he/she notices a potential threat to his/her safety or safety of his/her fellow employees. 

In 2023, this opportunity was taken by 1,675 employees. 

Mobile platform in figures


IISS has received recognition at the international level and has received awards:

2nd place - in the competition of the International Union of Railways (UIC) "UIC DIGITAL AWARDS 2020" in the nomination "Safety";

nomination "Best Digital Project" at the conference "Digital Samruk 2020" as part of the "Digital Kazakhstan" Program.



Safety management when performing work by a contractor in the joint stock company “National company “Kazakhstan” temir zholy and its subsidiaries
FAR (KTZ NC JSC Group) for 12 months of 2023 – 0.03;
FAR (contractors) for 12 months of 2023 – 0.
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