28.11.2023 - Announcement for a competition for educational grants for the 2023-2024 academic year
Joint Stock Company “National Company “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy” announces a competition for the award of a personal scholarship for the Chairman of the Board of the Company and educational grants under the “Magistral” program, in priority specialties for the Company in accordance with Appendix 1.
11.05.2023 - Announcement for a competition for educational grants
Joint Stock Company “National Company “Kazakhstan Temir Zholy” announces a competition for the award of educational grants for Master’s and Doctoral programs in priority specialties for the Company in accordance with Appendix 1.
JSC "NC "KTZ" implements " Temirzholsu" JSC Directors of the Board of Directors search for an independent candidate.
Requirements for a candidate for independent directors of " Temirzholsu" JSC:
1. Must have relevant experience, knowledge, qualifications, positive achievements and impeccable reputation in the business and industry environment, necessary to fulfill the duties and organize the effective work of the Board of Directors of " Темiржолсу " JSC in the interests of the Sole Shareholder - JSC "NC" KTZ ".
2. A person cannot be a candidate for independent directors:
2.1. Having a criminal record outstanding or not removed in accordance with the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2.2. Previously, Chairman of the Board of Directors. d head, chief accountant of another legal first manager (chairman of the board), deputy person no more than one year before a decision is made on the forced liquidation or forced repurchase of shares, or the conservation of another legal entity recognized as bankrupt in the prescribed manner. The specified requirement shall be applied within five years after the date of the decision on the forced liquidation or forced repurchase of shares, or the conservation of another legal entity declared bankrupt in the prescribed manner.
3. Must comply with “On Joint-Stock Companies” and the conditions established by affiliate subparagraph 20) of Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall:
1) is not an affiliated person of " Temirzholsu" JSC and has not been one of them for three years prior to his election to the Board of Directors (except for the case of his stay to the posts of Independent Director of " Темiржолсу " JSC);
2) is not affiliated with affiliates to " Temirzholsu" JSC;
3) is not connected by by subordination with officials of " Temirzholsu" JSC or affiliated organizations of this and was not connected by subordination with these persons during the three years preceding his election to the Board of Directors;
4) is not a public servant;
5) is not a representative of a shareholders at meeting of the bodies of " Temirzholsu" JSC and has not been representative for three years;
6) do not participate in the audit of " Temirzholsu" JSC as an auditor working in an audit organization and do not retast its election to the Board of Directors; participated in such an audit for the three years preceding his election to the Board of Directors.
4. Have the necessary time to participate in the work of the Board of Directors of " Temirzholsu"" JSC not only during meetings of the Board of Directors of " Темiржолсу " JSC, but also additional for proper study of materials for meetings of the Board of Directors of " Temirzholsu s" JSC.
Additional information can be obtained by calling: 8 (7172) 60-35-24 and 8 (7172) 60-35-17.
JSC "NC "KTZ" implements " KTZ Express " JSC Directors of the Board of Directors search for an independent candidate. Information on the activities of « KTZ Express » JSC can be found on the website www.kazcargo.kz
Requirements for a candidate for independent directors of «KTZ Express» JSC:
1. Must have relevant experience, knowledge, qualifications, positive achievements and impeccable reputation in the business and industry environment, necessary to fulfill the duties and organize the effective work of the Board of Directors of " KTZ Express " JSC in the interests of the Sole Shareholder - JSC "NC" KTZ ".
2. A person cannot be a candidate for independent directors:
2.1. Having a criminal record outstanding or not removed in accordance with the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2.2. Previously, Chairman of the Board of Directors. d head, chief accountant of another legal first manager (chairman of the board), deputy person no more than one year before a decision is made on the forced liquidation or forced repurchase of shares, or the conservation of another legal entity recognized as bankrupt in the prescribed manner. The specified requirement shall be applied within five years after the date of the decision on the forced liquidation or forced repurchase of shares, or the conservation of another legal entity declared bankrupt in the prescribed manner.
3. Must comply with “On Joint-Stock Companies” and the conditions established by affiliate subparagraph 20) of Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall:
1) is not an affiliated person of " KTZ Express " JSC and has not been one of them for three years prior to his election to the Board of Directors (except for the case of his stay to the posts of Independent Director of " KTZ Express " JSC);
2) is not affiliated with affiliates to " KTZ Express " JSC;
3) is not connected by by subordination with officials of " KTZ Express " JSC or affiliated organizations of this and was not connected by subordination with these persons during the three years preceding his election to the Board of Directors;
4) is not a public servant;
5) is not a representative of a shareholders at meeting of the bodies of " KTZ Express " JSC and has not been representative for three years;
6) do not participate in the audit of " KTZ Express " JSC as an auditor working in an audit organization and do not retast its election to the Board of Directors; participated in such an audit for the three years preceding his election to the Board of Directors.
4. Have the necessary time to participate in the work of the Board of Directors of " KTZ Express " JSC not only during meetings of the Board of Directors of " KTZ Express " JSC, but also additional for proper study of materials for meetings of the Board of Directors of " KTZ Express " JSC.
Additional information can be obtained by calling: 8 (702) 253-64-90 and 8 (7172) 60-35-25.
JSC "NC "KTZ" implements "Kaztemirtrans " JSC Directors of the Board of Directors search for an independent candidate. Information on the activities of «Kaztemirtrans» JSC can be found on the website www.kazcargo.kz
Requirements for a candidate for independent directors of «Kaztemirtrans» JSC:
1. Must have relevant experience, knowledge, qualifications, positive achievements and impeccable reputation in the business and industry environment, necessary to fulfill the duties and organize the effective work of the Board of Directors of "Kaztemirtrans" JSC in the interests of the Sole Shareholder - JSC "NC" KTZ ".
2. A person cannot be a candidate for independent directors:
2.1. Having a criminal record outstanding or not removed in accordance with the law of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
2.2. Previously, Chairman of the Board of Directors. d head, chief accountant of another legal first manager (chairman of the board), deputy person no more than one year before a decision is made on the forced liquidation or forced repurchase of shares, or the conservation of another legal entity recognized as bankrupt in the prescribed manner. The specified requirement shall be applied within five years after the date of the decision on the forced liquidation or forced repurchase of shares, or the conservation of another legal entity declared bankrupt in the prescribed manner.
3. Must comply with “On Joint-Stock Companies” and the conditions established by affiliate subparagraph 20) of Article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan shall:
1) is not an affiliated person of "Kaztemirtrans" JSC and has not been one of them for three years prior to his election to the Board of Directors (except for the case of his stay to the posts of Independent Director of "Kaztemirtrans" JSC);
2) is not affiliated with affiliates to "Kaztemirtrans" JSC;
3) is not connected by by subordination with officials of "Kaztemirtrans" JSC or affiliated organizations of this and was not connected by subordination with these persons during the three years preceding his election to the Board of Directors;
4) is not a public servant;
5) is not a representative of a shareholders at meeting of the bodies of "Kaztemirtrans" JSC and has not been representative for three years;
6) do not participate in the audit of "Kaztemirtrans" JSC as an auditor working in an audit organization and do not retast its election to the Board of Directors; participated in such an audit for the three years preceding his election to the Board of Directors.
4. Have the necessary time to participate in the work of the Board of Directors of "Kaztemirtrans" JSC not only during meetings of the Board of Directors of "Kaztemirtrans" JSC, but also additional for proper study of materials for meetings of the Board of Directors of "Kaztemirtrans" JSC.
Additional information can be obtained by calling 8 (702) 253-64-90 and 8 (7172) 60-35-25.