According to article 5 of the Environmental Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, one of the priority requirements is compliance with the precautionary principle. As part of the implementation of this principle, NC KTZ JSC, at the planning stage of each project, conducts an environmental impact assessment (EIA) to determine the environmental and other consequences of the options taken by management and economic decisions, develop recommendations for improving the environment, preventing destruction, degradation, damage and depletion of natural ecological systems and natural resources. In addition, at the design stage of each project, public hearings are held with the participation of representatives of interested parties: administrative, state and regulatory authorities, research organizations, public associations, local population, mass media. We ensure access of all interested parties to the EIA projects, reception and registration of comments and suggestions.
The EIA projects of the Group of Companies of NC KTZ JSC are subject to state environmental expertise and are available to the interested public on the Company's official website, on the websites of local authorities throughout the project life cycle.