Қазақстан темiр жолы

Energy saving

Energy saving and energy efficiency improvement

The company, being the largest consumer of energy resources in the Republic of Kazakhstan, strives to continuously improve energy efficiency by reducing energy consumption.

Since 2008, the Company has been actively pursuing an energy saving policy.

In 2008, the decision of the Board of NC KTZ JSC  approved the Energy Saving Program of NC KTZ JSC for the period 2008-2013, as a result of which about 229 thousand tons of conventional fuel were saved.

In 2013, the decision of the Board of NC KTZ JSC approved the Energy Saving Program of NC KTZ JSC for the period up to 2020, as a result of which more than 1.9 million tons of conventional fuel were saved in the amount of more than 200 billion tenge. In the period from 2019 to 2022, due to the implementation of energy saving measures, JSC NC KTZ saved more than 0.8 million tons of conventional fuel in the amount of more than 122.8 billion tenge (report).

Saving energy resources and reducing emissions of pollutants has been achieved through the implementation of such basic measures as :

introduction of a new rolling stock (with a reduced emission of pollutants, which allowed to reduce emissions into the atmospheric air by more than 2.2 times compared to diesel locomotives of old models);

conversion of boiler houses from solid to gaseous fuel, connection of heating of industrial buildings to the city central heat supply;

introduction of an automated control system for power dispatching traction of trains (automated control system EDT);

conversion of outdoor lighting of stations to LED (19,421 units of lamps at 309 railway stations).

Since 2014, the Company has been successfully certified annually for compliance with the requirements of the international standard ISO 50001 on the energy management system, which contributes to energy efficiency.

Additionally, within the framework of fulfilling the requirements of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 541-IV "On Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency Improvement", NC KTZ JSC  conducts an energy audit at least once every 5 years.



The Company's goals to improve energy efficiency :

• complete and reliable energy supply of the transportation process;

• reduction of specific fuel and energy consumption in all areas of activity: train traction, infrastructure, production;

• strengthening of equipment with energy-efficient technical means and technologies;

• reducing the technogenic impact of railway energy on the environment.

The Company has approved a Plan of energy saving and energy Efficiency measures for the period up to 2025, where the possible energy saving potential will be about 3,160 tons of conventional fuel.

Also, in order to reduce emissions into the environment, an action Plan for gasification (heating) of railway transport facilities in the Western Region for the period up to 2024 has been approved.

In addition, in pursuance of the Action Plan to expand the use of natural gas as motor fuel, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 29, 2018 No. 797, together with KazTransGas  JSC, it is planned to launch a pilot project on the use of liquefied natural gas on diesel locomotives.

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