Қазақстан темiр жолы

For questions about passenger service on trains of JSC Passenger Transportation, please call 1433 (24/7) or email




Safety of the transportation process is the absence of unacceptable risk during the performance of transportation process operations associated with causing harm to life, human health, the environment, damage to the property of participants in the transportation process and third parties, taking into account the combination of the probability of the occurrence of a hazardous factor and the severity of its consequences.

You can also report a traffic safety violation by calling the hotline: +7 (7172) 60-63-08.

The use of the Right to transmit reliable information about the violation of traffic safety committed will not have negative consequences.

Safety of railway transport is one of the main priorities of JSC NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy.

The issues of ensuring safety, sustainability, and reliability of the transportation process do not lose their relevance. The Company takes all necessary measures to ensure the safety of life and health of people, cargo, rolling stock, and infrastructure facilities.


Guidelines for the Traffic Safety Management System in National Company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy Joint Stock Company and its subsidiaries





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