Қазақстан темiр жолы


Work is being carried out on the railway to preserve saigas and provide routes for their migration


To ensure the safety and migration of saigas in the Karaganda region and the Ulytau region, a joint visit was carried out to examine the presence of migration routes of wild animals through the Zharyk-Zhezkazgan railway. The visiting commission was attended by representatives of the Karaganda Regional Territorial Inspectorate of Forestry and Wildlife, the Kazakhstan Association for the Conservation of Biodiversity, the Territorial Forestry Inspectorate of the Ulytau Region and the Zhanaarka Distance of the KTZ Path.

16 putative migration sites were identified. On the recommendation of the visiting commission, railway workers carried out work to dismantle and open fences along the railway at a distance of 70 km. 6 livestock runs were built on this site.

In addition, in the Zhezgazgan-Saksaulsk, Shalkar-Beineu sections, where the saiga migration routes pass, passages for the passage of wild animals are specially designed. During the migration season, railway workers here organize work to allow animals to pass through the railway.

Fences on the railway are installed to ensure train safety and reduce the incidence of collisions with stray livestock. According to the rules of livestock grazing, railway workers, together with the transport police, carry out explanatory work with livestock owners.

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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