Қазақстан темiр жолы


The volume of traffic through the Altynkol-Khorgos border crossing increased by 30%


More than 7 million tons of cargo were transported in seven months of 2023 through the Altynkol-Khorgos border crossing, which is 30% higher than in the same period last year. In export traffic, the volume of cargo transportation increased by 24%, to 1.9 million tons. Consumer goods, metals, chemicals, machinery, construction materials and others come from China through the Altynkol station.

In general, the volume of rail transport between the countries at the two junctions Altynkol-Khorgos and Dostyk-Alashankou amounted to 16.2 million tons, which is 23% more than in the same period last year.

Joint measures and well-coordinated work of teams at border stations of the two countries contribute to an increase in the volume of cargo transportation by rail through border crossings with China.

Altynkol railway station is located in the Almaty region on the Kazakh-Chinese border. From here cargo flows from China to Europe, the countries of the Persian Gulf, Central Asia, and the Caucasus.

Altynkol is the second Kazakh-Chinese railway crossing, after Dostyk station. Freight and container trains are received and dispatched here.

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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