Қазақстан темiр жолы


The volume of cargo transportation by rail between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the People's Republic of China has been agreed upon for 2024


The signing of the protocol of the 32nd regular Meeting of the mixed commissions of the border railways of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the People's Republic of China took place in Shymkent.

At the meeting, the results of freight and container transportation between China and Kazakhstan for 8 months of 2023 were summed up and an agreement was reached on the unconditional fulfillment of transportation volumes by the end of the year at the level of 26.8 million tons of cargo, with an increase of 3.6 million tons to the level of 2022. Exports will increase by 25%, to 16.2 million tons, imports - by 6%, to 10.6 million tons.

At the meeting, representatives of the railway administrations of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the People's Republic of China agreed on the volume of transportation for 2024 in the amount of 27.8 million tons of cargo, which is 1 million tons more than the 2023 figure.

From January 2024, the Chinese side will double the acceptance of grain cargo in grain carriers, covered wagons and containers at Alashankou station. At the request of the Kazakh side, the PRC will for the first time begin accepting grain cargo in grain carriers and covered wagons at Khorgos station. Also, taking into account the wishes of Kazakh exporters, the acceptance of cargo such as vegetable oils, metal ores (pellets, concentrates), and petroleum coke will increase.

The parties also discussed the progress of measures to expand the capacity of border stations and sections of Dostyk-Moiynty, Alashankou-Jinghe, construction and modernization of terminals.

During the meeting, all issues were resolved, which will make it possible to increase cargo flow at border stations.

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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