Қазақстан темiр жолы


Train conductors and ticket cashiers were awarded for their professionalism in evacuating people from the flood zone


The CEO of Passenger Transportation JSC Zhanibek Taizhanov presented letters of gratitude to more than 30 train train conductors and ticket cashiers for their high professionalism in evacuating people during floods.

About 23 thousand people were transported free of charge from the flood zone by trains of Passenger Transportation JSC and more than 1.5 thousand children were transported to health centers and camps, allocating 113 additional cars for this purpose.

The company collaborated with government authorities to provide transportation for military personnel and rescue workers.

During this period, conductors and ticket cashiers worked around the clock to ensure the safe evacuation of people. Many of them voluntarily came to work on their days off, showing professionalism and willingness to help in a difficult situation.

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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