Қазақстан темiр жолы


The construction of the second track on the Dostyk – Moiynty site will be completed in 2025


The total length of the Dostyk-Moiynty railway section is 836 km. To date, the second track has been laid on more than half of the section - 421 km.

A track relaying unit is moving along the already completed railway track, ready to lay new kilometers of rail and sleeper grid on the prepared soil.


About 6.6 million cubic meters of roadbed were poured under the second track. Artificial structures are being built. Currently, work is underway on 67 bridges and 225 culverts. In total, 92 bridges will be built and 263 pipes will be installed as part of the project. Automation and communications equipment is being reorganized. Supports for high-voltage lines are being installed.

- The implementation of this large project requires significant resources. It should be noted that all building materials are products of domestic manufacturers. The quarries that provide crushed stone for the construction process are operating at full capacity. At least 4-4.5 thousand cubic meters of crushed stone are loaded from the quarries and poured onto the laid tracks for ballasting every day,” noted Marat Iskaliev, managing director for construction of NC KTZ JSC.

The site employs machine operators, bridge workers, signalmen, railway workers - over 1000 people in total. More than 450 units of various special equipment were involved.

Completion of work on the site is scheduled for 2025. The project is of great importance for ensuring uninterrupted exports and increasing the country’s transit potential. After the launch of the second line, the capacity of the Dostyk-Moiynty section will increase fivefold.

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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