Қазақстан темiр жолы


Representatives of Kazakhstani society got acquainted with the work of the medical train “Salamatty Kazakhstan”


The medical train “Salamatty Kazakhstan” is now accepting residents of remote stations in the western regions of our country. The Samruk-Kazyna Trust Social Projects Development Fund organized a press tour for media representatives and public activists to highlight the activities of this project.

To date, the medical train has already visited more than seventy stations, and now provides services to the population of eight stations in the Atyrau region, the fifth of which is Akkystau. In general, more than 1,500 residents were examined and treated throughout the region from September 2 to September 11. And also, thanks to the fact that this year, at the initiative of the National Commission for Women and Family and Demographic Policy, a psychologist, mediator and lawyer joined the project, 560 people received their consultation.

During the press tour, station residents said that usually a trip to a doctor for an examination or consultation in a regional center not only takes a lot of time, but is also expensive. Therefore, people are glad that the Salamatty Kazakhstan medical train gives them the opportunity to receive free, highly qualified care on the spot.

Since the start of the project this year, the train has passed through small stations where 92,049 people have been registered, 45,710 of whom have undergone basic medical examination. 10,520 examined were children. Also, over five months, doctors performed 5,377 minor operations. 5,572 citizens received legal, psychological and mediation consultations.

According to the organizers of the press tour, the train route was planned taking into account the lack of hospitals at remote stations and based on numerous requests from residents and government agencies. It is expected that during the project, about 75 thousand villagers will receive basic medical and advisory services. The medical train will continue to operate until December 6 of this year. According to the plan, he will visit more than 120 stations.

The project is being implemented by the Samruk-Kazyna Trust Social Projects Development Fund on behalf of the Samruk-Kazyna JSC group of companies, with the participation of the National Commission for Women's Affairs and Family and Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Health.

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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