Қазақстан темiр жолы


A raid to prevent injuries on the railway was carried out at the Turkestan station


A preventive raid on railway safety was carried out at the Turkestan station by railway workers together with transport police and railway paramilitary security.

At the Turkestan station, three crossings remain dangerous: Southern, Northern and the crossing near the settlement of Bekzat. Every day, up to 200 people cross the railway in the wrong place. People wearing headphones and a hood often take shortcuts, risking their lives. Therefore, here railway workers and police officers work intensively around the clock.

“We are conducting active preventive work with the population. In addition, letters were sent to the local akimat and relevant institutions with a request to build a pedestrian bridge. As a result, they supported us and now they are building it,” said the head of the Turkestan station, Kadyr Syrlybekov.

In dangerous places, railway workers and police conduct constant preventive conversations with pedestrians. They are reminded of transport safety rules, handed out information leaflets and told about administrative responsibility for unauthorized crossing of railway tracks. Since the beginning of the year, 1,362 offenses have been registered at the station.

“We urge citizens to strictly follow the rules of safe behavior at railway infrastructure facilities and remind pedestrians that the price of violating these rules is very high,” said the first deputy of the linear police department of the Turkestan station Sayush Mukashev.

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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