Қазақстан темiр жолы


Preparations for winter at KTZ are proceeding at an active pace


An extended meeting on the preparation of facilities, infrastructure, rolling stock and personnel for winter was held at KTZ with the participation of the company's managers and structural divisions.

In all regions, railway workers are carrying out activities to prepare for safe and uninterrupted operation in winter conditions.

Line workers at remote stations are fully provided with the necessary supply of household coal. The supply of technical coal is on schedule.

280 units of snow removal and snow-clearing equipment will be prepared for work in the winter. More than 570 boiler houses, about 4 thousand industrial and technical buildings and structures are ready for the heating season. Vibratory pantographs for combating icing of contact wires and mobile diagnostic tools have been prepared.

Rolling stock of freight and passenger fleets is being prepared for stable operation in the winter as planned. The units and systems of locomotives and passenger cars are being transferred to winter operation mode.

Particular attention is paid to training railway workers who do not have experience working on the main line in winter. This year, over 5 thousand "first winter workers" have been trained and assigned to experienced mentors.

Before the onset of cold weather, railway workers will be provided with special winter clothing and footwear. More than 160 thousand units of various types will be issued.

The readiness of all KTZ divisions for winter will be checked at the end of October this year by a special visiting commission with the participation of the company's managers and structural divisions.

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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