Passenger Transportation JSC asks passengers to be attentive in connection with the transition to a single time zone
Passenger Transportation JSC appeals to passengers who purchased departure tickets on the night of February 29 to March 1, 2024, with a request to be careful and follow the specified train departure and arrival times on the ticket.
From March 1, starting at 1 am, all passenger trains will depart at the same time, which is already included in the tickets.
To inform passengers, SMS notifications about changes in train departure times were sent.
It is important to note that if the passenger does not set the clock back one hour, he will not miss the train. But he should take into account the waiting time at the station for one hour before the departure of his train.
Reference information on passenger trains can be obtained by calling the toll-free number “1433”, as well as on the official Instagram account of Passenger Transportation JSC @jolaushylar_tasymaly.
Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»