Қазақстан темiр жолы


Over 700 freight workers took part in the campaign "Taza Kazakhstan"


On behalf of the Head of State, the republican environmental campaign "Taza Kazakhstan" is being held on the railway, aimed at forming a careful attitude towards the environment, nurturing high civic responsibility and environmental culture among the population. More than 700 employees of regional and linear structural divisions of KTZ-Freight Transportation LLP took part in the campaign.

During the campaign, work was carried out on landscaping, sanitary cleaning and improvement of the railway territories. Over 440 thousand square meters of administrative, household and production facilities were cleared of garbage, 350 seedlings were planted, 200 flower beds were laid out. As part of the environmental program for separate waste collection, about 13 tons of waste were collected. Employees regularly clean the workspace, comply with the rules for storing personal belongings and inventory. This contributes to increased work efficiency and overall comfort in the team.

The railway workers did not limit themselves to holding clean-up days. In the spring and summer, workers switched from personal cars to environmentally friendly transport: bicycles and scooters, and began to walk to and from work more often.

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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