Қазақстан темiр жолы


Over 102 million tons of cargo transported by rail in five months


In January-May 2024, 102.4 million tons of cargo were transported through the KTZ network. Throughout the republic, loading increased by 2.5% compared to the same period last year and amounted to 68.2 million tons. Over 34.2 million tons of cargo were sent for export by rail.

Loading of hard coal amounted to 40.6 million tons, including 30.3 million tons of solid fuel transported within the country. More than 3.7 million tons of grain were delivered by rail.

At the end of five months of 2024, loading of ferrous metals increased by 6.8%, to 1.8 million tons, iron ore and manganese by 12.1%, to 8.8 million tons, non-ferrous ore and sulfur raw materials by 14%, to 10 million tons.

Exports of grinding products increased by 2.3% (over 1 million tons), oil cargo by 9.5% (2.3 million tons), ferrous metals by 5% (1.4 million tons), chemical fertilizers by 12% ( over 550 thousand tons), iron ore and manganese by 8.4% (4.7 million tons), construction materials by 9% (142 thousand tons).

Throughout the republic, grain loading increased by 2% (956 thousand tons), ferrous metals by 12.5% (438 thousand tons), iron ore and manganese by 16.8% (4 million tons), non-ferrous ore and sulfur raw materials by 17.4% (8.5 million tons).

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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