Қазақстан темiр жолы


Branches that actively participated in the environmental campaign "Taza Kazakhstan" were awarded


A solemn award ceremony was held at KTZ-Freight Transportation LLC for branches that actively participated in the implementation of the environmental initiative of the head of state - the "Taza Kazakhstan" campaign. The purpose of the event was to attract the attention of employees to the problems of environmental pollution, environmental protection and the formation of an environmental culture. Letters of gratitude on behalf of the management of the LLC were awarded to the teams of the freight transportation road departments of Pavlodar, Karaganda, Almaty, Kyzylorda and Iletsk, who did a great job within the framework of this initiative.

For 11 months, employees of the branches of KTZ-Freight Transportation LLC carried out regular environmental events aimed at maintaining cleanliness and improving the environmental situation on the territory of the enterprises.

As a result of the campaigns, 498,156 square meters of administrative, domestic and production facilities were cleared. During the work, employees collected and disposed of significant amounts of waste: 11,504.65 kg of waste paper, 454 kg of plastic, 3,934 kg of batteries, 2,456.4 kg of office equipment.
In addition, 2,192 trees were planted on the territory of the facilities, which also became an important contribution to improving the environmental situation.

In addition, the winners of the corporate-level Olympiad on environmental protection among KTZ employees were awarded. The first place in the competition was taken by Asel Turlybaeva, an employee of the Kurort-Borovskoye operational locomotive depot, who was awarded the "Adal Enbek" medal. Second place was taken by Guldana Khusainova from the Zhambyl operational
locomotive depot, who also received the "Adal Enbek" medal. In addition, for active participation in the environmental campaign, ecologist of the Semey operational wagon depot Kairat Sadvakasov was awarded a certificate.

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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