Қазақстан темiр жолы


More than 860 thousand passengers traveled on KTZ trains during the March holidays


On spring holidays from 7 to 9 and 17 to 26 March this year Passenger Transportation JSC trains transported more than 860 thousand passengers. During the holidays, trains running Astana-Almaty, Astana-Shymkent, Shymkent-Aktobe and Pavlodar-Astana were in great demand among passengers. The largest number of passengers were transported on March 7, 9, 21 and 23.

To meet the increased demand for transportation on holiday weekends and ensure the comfort of passengers, Passenger Transportation JSC provided 30 thousand seats through 3 additional trains and trailer cars. In addition, 4 electric train flights were added to suburban routes, and train compositions were increased.

More than 13 million passengers travel on National Carrier trains every year.

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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