Қазақстан темiр жолы


Kyzylorda residents were reminded of the Railway Safety Rules


Railway workers and transport police carried out a preventive raid on areas of unauthorized crossing of railway tracks at the Kyzylorda station, where 2 cases of injury to citizens occurred this year.

A pedestrian bridge was built at the station for the safety of the population a year ago, but Kyzylorda residents are in no hurry to cross the railway along it, choosing the usual path, risking their lives and health. Pedestrians are not stopped by the fact that there are metal wires and danger signs installed on both sides of the railway tracks. The pedestrian bridge connects two microdistricts - Kulager and KBI.

“There is a safe pedestrian crossing here, but many people don’t use it. Residents are accustomed to walking along the “folk path” and thereby put their lives at great risk. People want to save time. But these path crossings do pose a threat to human life. People wear hoods and headphones, and cannot notice the approaching train. Our task is to warn people about the danger and prevent unauthorized crossings,” noted First Deputy Director of the Kyzylorda Freight Transportation Department Bekzhan Uteuliyev.

During the raid, violators who crossed the railway tracks in an unspecified place were stopped, given information leaflets with rules of behavior at railway transport facilities, and also reminded of administrative responsibility.

“Transitions in unidentified places are the main cause of injuries and deaths on the railway. Summer is not only a time for vacation, but also a period when many children are left to their own devices and spend a lot of time without adult supervision. Children throw stones at passing trains and leave foreign objects on the tracks, not realizing that this is a threat to traffic safety. We urge every parent to take care of their child and not turn a blind eye to his actions,” said police major Aigali Bakhytov.

KTZ employees, transport police and paramilitary railway guards carry out such raids every month. This year, 135 raid inspections were organized. For residents of settlements living near railway tracks, 89 explanatory conversations were held about the dangers and rules of being on railway tracks. Railroad safety rules were explained at 93 meetings in schools. Prejudicial signs at the station have been updated.

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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