KTZ updates instructions on car brakes
Experienced driver-instructors of operational locomotive depots of Karaganda, Zhambyl, Balkhash, Kandyagash, Almaty, Shu and Astana stations gathered in the capital to amend the current Instructions for the operation of rolling stock brakes of Kazakhstan Temir Zholy NC JSC. Representatives of a private carrier are also involved in this work.
The document was first adopted in 1997, then revised in 2015. This is one of the main documents of the railway, aimed at ensuring the safety of train traffic, timely and accident-free delivery of goods and passengers by rail, strengthening labor and technological discipline. It contains an algorithm for the operation and maintenance of braking equipment.
It is planned that changes will be made to the Instructions within a month. Over 220 pages, 22 chapters will be reviewed. Changes are necessary and dictated by modern realities, the introduction of new series of locomotives.
Then the document will be sent to all structures for consideration. Railway workers will be able to discuss it and make their proposals regarding changing the regulatory framework, improving the technology of operation of vehicle braking equipment, and improving interaction between services. The instruction
will be adopted after the approval procedure - before the end of the first half of 2024.
Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»