Қазақстан темiр жолы


KTZ summed up the results of coal transportation for the 2023–2024 heating season


About 73.5 million tons of coal were transported by rail across Kazakhstan from May 2023 to April 30, 2024, which corresponds to the level of transportation during the previous heating period. Over 7.7 million tons were delivered to the population through the KTZ network.

More than 65.8 million tons were transported to the country's thermal power plants - a million more than in the previous heating season. For the first time in 5 years, coal reserves at thermal power plants reached a record volume of 5.5 million tons.

Coal transportation is coordinated by the KTZ operational headquarters, which involves more than 60 employees from the central office and territorial divisions.

The headquarters conducts round-the-clock monitoring of coal shipments from open-pit mines to all regions of Kazakhstan. For this purpose, KTZ has developed an interactive system for tracking coal delivery online. The headquarters promptly makes regulatory decisions and ensures urgent and medium-term planning for the dispatch of empty cars and loading.

For the transportation of coal in the autumn-winter period of 2023–2024, about 20 thousand gondola cars of the Kaztemirtrans JSC fleet were used, of which more than 10.4 thousand delivered coal for thermal power plants, 9.5 thousand for the population.

Railway workers are calling for active preparations for the heating season of 2024–2025.

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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