Қазақстан темiр жолы


KTZ summed up the results of its activities for 2023


The results of the activities of NC KTZ JSC for 2023 and plans for 2024 were discussed at an extended meeting with the participation of representatives of subsidiaries and all regional divisions of the company, the management of the Ministry of Transport and Samruk-Kazyna JSC.

The positive dynamics of growth in production indicators was noted. Operating cargo turnover reached 269 billion t-km, an increase of 7% compared to last year. Transit transportation in containers amounted to 1 million 28 thousand TEU, which is 13.5% more than the same period last year. The volume of cargo transportation between the railways of Kazakhstan and China increased by 22% and reached 28 million tons.

In 2023, a large-scale repair of the track was carried out. 1443 km of railway tracks have been improved, which is twice as much as in 2022. The implementation of major infrastructure projects has begun: the construction of the Darbaza - Maktaaral, Bakhty - Ayagoz railway lines (with the opening of the third border crossing with China), and a bypass line around Almaty. Over 300 km of second tracks have been laid on the Dostyk – Moiynty section. A Kazakhstan cargo terminal was built in the Chinese dry port of Xi'an.

KTZ, which is the largest national company with a branch network in all regions of Kazakhstan, employs over 110 thousand people. In 2023, wages will be increased by 20%. To date, the average salary of the company's production personnel has exceeded the republican level by 26%.


In 2023, large-scale measures were taken to improve the working conditions of employees. 228 buildings, 467 premises and 37 rest houses of locomotive crews were repaired. To deliver line employees to the work site, 384 units of transport were purchased.

There are 132 modular buildings installed throughout the KTZ network, equipped with everything necessary for proper rest for railway workers traveling to remote stations to carry out work (showers, household appliances, furniture, dishes, etc.). All necessary engineering communications are connected to the buildings. More than 120 modular buildings are planned to be installed in 2024. In addition, to replace dilapidated structures throughout the country, 1224 heating points have been installed along railway lines, where railway workers can take shelter from rain and wind while working. Work to create favorable working conditions will continue.



The priority area of activity of the national company remains ensuring safety in railway transport. Also among the main tasks of 2024 are increasing transportation volumes and developing transit, implementing digitalization programs, updating railway infrastructure and rolling stock. 

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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