In bad weather and conditions of zero visibility, railway workers of the Zhambyl region conduct round-the-clock snow fighting. From December 13 to 15 this year. Over 11 thousand cubic meters of snow were removed. Special equipment is used to clear the paths.
Currently, the movement of passenger trains along the difficult section has been resumed. To ensure traffic safety on railway sections of the region, train speed limits have been established.
JSC Passenger Transportation notifies of delays and changes in train schedules until weather conditions improve. Information about delays and cancellations of passenger trains can be obtained by calling the toll-free number “1433” and the telegram chat bot “KTZH_PP_BOT”
KTZ has an operational headquarters with the participation of all involved services to coordinate the movement of trains in emergency situations.
Employees of the Transport Police Department, together with KTZ, provide assistance to citizens who find themselves in the emergency zone to get to their destination by passenger trains, and also ensure the protection of public order at railway stations. The leadership of the Transport Police Department is included in the operational headquarters.
Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»