Қазақстан темiр жолы


KTZ: the railway remains a high-risk area


Since the beginning of this year, three road accidents have been recorded at railway crossings, and three more accidents occurred at crossing private access roads.

The cause of all road accidents is violation of the Road Traffic Rules by vehicle drivers. Drivers drove to the crossing when the crossing signal was prohibited in front of a nearby train, with the barrier closed. Such violations led to injury to people, disruption to train schedules, and material damage to all participants in the accident. The health and lives of passengers, drivers and locomotive crew workers were put at risk.

KTZ calls on drivers to strictly follow the traffic rules and be extremely careful when crossing a railway crossing. It is impossible to stop the train instantly: by applying emergency braking, the train driver will stop the train only after 800–1000 meters.

Also, incidents involving collisions with stray cattle are of particular concern to railway workers. Since the beginning of the year, over 110 such cases have been registered. Most often, collisions with livestock were recorded within the boundaries of the Pavlodar, Karaganda, Semey and Mangistau branches of roads. Stray livestock pose a threat to train safety.

KTZ appeals to all residents of settlements through which the railway passes, to heads of farms and private entrepreneurs with a request not to allow pets to stay near the railway, especially in winter.


Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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