Қазақстан темiр жолы


KTZ pays special attention to the transportation of petroleum products


Over 6.3 million tons of gasoline, diesel fuel and liquefied natural gas were loaded across the country by rail in the first seven months of 2023. Gas transportation increased by 13% compared to the same period last year. The oil cargo loading plan is being implemented.

Smooth and uninterrupted transportation is affected by external factors, in particular those associated with the shutdown of a number of oil refineries for repairs.

Thanks to the round-the-clock work of the KTZ operational headquarters with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Energy, KazMunayGas, refineries and private railcar operators, the efficiency and stability of the supply of petroleum products is ensured.

The headquarters holds daily meetings. To control the progress of loaded and empty cars, separate dispatchers are allocated, the turnover of rolling stock is ensured, and the efficiency of stations is increased due to transportation routing.

To organize the transportation of oil products and gas, specialized tank cars of private operators are used. In total, there are 16.5 thousand carriages in Kazakhstan.

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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