Қазақстан темiр жолы


KTZ Express JSC took part in the 6th West China International Exhibition in Chengdu


On May 22nd KTZ Express JSC took part in the 6th West China International Exhibition of Supply Chains and Smart Logistics in Chengdu, which is one of the largest transport and logistics exhibitions in China.

The exhibition is a platform for building partnerships between leading representatives of international organizations, government departments of China, Chinese and foreign logistics companies, and provides an opportunity to exchange experience in the transport and logistics sector.

Within the framework of the exhibition, the «3rd Conference on Transport and logistics between China and West Asia» was held, during which Aibek Kapar, Deputy CEO for Logistics of KTZ Express JSC, familiarized the participants of the event with the measures taken to expand and develop the logistics services market of Kazakhstan, as well as on cooperation with countries supporting the initiative «One Belt, One Road» and the development of transportation along the Middle Corridor (TITR).

The volume of cargo transportation along the Middle Corridor (TITR) for 4 months of this year amounted to 3,969 TEU - an increase by 3.5 times compared to the same period last year, cargo transportation in the China – Europe – China direction also shows an increase by 38% compared to the same period last year and amounted to 122,395 TEU.

Business events of this format make it possible to increase the attractiveness of transcontinental routes and serve as the basis for the formation of unified logistics chains in Eurasia.

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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