Қазақстан темiр жолы


KTZ Express JSC and Global DTC launch digital corridor along Middle Corridor


KTZ Express JSC and Global DTC Pte Ltd. announced the launch of a project to create a digital corridor within the framework of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route. 

The launch declaration was signed on May 23rd in the presence of the Head of State of the Republic of Kazakhstan K.Tokayev in Singapore on the sidelines of the Kazakh-Singapore Business Forum.

The document provides for cooperation on the launch of a project for customs clearance of electronic transit of goods traveling by rail from China to the countries of the European Union through the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the implementation of joint measures to ensure the effective smooth operation of the Tez Customs digital platform at Middle Corridor.

The Tez Customs platform enables electronic customs declarations for shipments from China to Central Asian countries.

"Our joint initiative with Global DTC Pte Ltd. opens up new opportunities for the development of transport logistics. The integration of digital technologies into the customs clearance process will significantly increase the efficiency and transparency of transportation", said Damir Kozhakhmetov, CEO of KTZ Express JSC.

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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