Қазақстан темiр жолы


KTZ expands cooperation on TITR in European markets


In Astana, Kazakhstan Railways (KTZ)  held negotiations with representatives of the Romanian railway industry - the CFR Marfa company.

Representatives of CFR Marfa were familiarized with the ongoing work to develop the transport and logistics industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Special attention is paid to the development of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR), with an emphasis on the need to expand the presence of KTZ Express on the route from the port of Constanta to Budapest - a further distribution hub for cargo in European countries.

As part of consolidating the agreements reached, KTZ Express and CFR Marfa signed a Memorandum of Cooperation for the further implementation of joint projects.

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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