Қазақстан темiр жолы


KTZ and Chinese Jinhua agreed on the development of terminal activities


The management of NC KTZ JSC, as part of a working trip to China, held a meeting with the mayor’s office of Jinhua City District, Zhejiang Province.

Zhejiang is one of the most economically developed provinces in Eastern China, with a high level of investment attractiveness. There are about 17 ports in the province. The largest are Jinhua and Yiwu, where the largest number of container trains are formed between China - Europe, China - Central Asia.

Issues of interaction in the field of creating an effective logistics infrastructure were discussed at the meeting. The parties agreed to further strengthen bilateral relations and entered into a Memorandum on the joint development of terminal activities in Kazakhstan and China.

The meeting was a logical continuation of the implementation of joint initiatives and projects with China aimed at increasing the transit potential of Kazakhstan (the Khorgos Gateway dry port, terminals in Xi'an and Lianyungang, a container hub based on the Aktau port, a transport and logistics center at Selyatino station).

  For reference:
In January-May 2024, the volume of cargo transported by rail between Kazakhstan and China amounted to 12.8 million tons, which is 12.4% more than for the same period in 2023.

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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