“Donor Day” was held at KTZ
NC KTZ JSC hosted the Donor Day event. The team of the mobile laboratory of the Research and Production Center for Transfusiology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan deployed a medical site with all the necessary equipment at the company’s central office.
The line to the doctors lined up even before the appointment began and grew longer every hour. More than 100 people came to the action, but within a few hours, blood was drawn from only 61 railway workers.
Both regular railroad donors and newcomers take part in the annual Donor Day event. They all come with only one purpose - to save lives and give others a chance for healing.
- I have been a donor for more than 10 years. Everything is very conveniently organized. It’s good that you can do such a necessary and good deed right at your workplace,” noted Anar Dyusenbayeva, manager of the functional area for accounting of fixed assets and intangible assets of the Accounting
Department of the branch of NC KTZ JSC - Multifunctional Service Center.
The doctors thanked the railway workers for their participation in the action and emphasized that holding “Donor Day” among the employees of NC KTZ JSC will help meet the needs of medical institutions with the required volume of safe components and blood products.
Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»