Қазақстан темiр жолы


The average wear and tear of the Passenger Transportation JSC fleet decreased to 46%


The National Carrier's fleet of passenger cars numbers about 2106 units, of which 32% are cars over 20 years old.

In order to renew the fleet of passenger cars and provide comfortable travel for passengers, Passenger Transportation JSC annually carries out work to acquire new passenger cars. From 2010–2022, 1224 wagons were purchased, including 676 Talgo wagons. This made it possible to reduce the average wear and tear of the fleet from 73% to 46%.

Work to renovate the park continues. By 2030, 537 high-tech passenger cars using Stadler technology will be delivered. This year, the fleet will be replenished with 50 modern carriages, and another 100 carriages will arrive next year.

Of the total fleet, 76% of the National Carrier's carriages are equipped with an air conditioning system. In 24% of the wagon fleet, i.e. 515 cars are not equipped with air conditioning according to the manufacturer's design. In such cars it is possible to open the window in all compartments, except for emergency compartments, which open in emergency situations and comply with all the requirements of the Rules for the transportation of passengers, luggage, cargo and postal items and the Rules for technical operation. Cars without an air conditioning system are subject to exclusion based on their service life in the coming years.

For socially important interregional communications, the fare has been increased below the inflation rate - by 7% from January 1, 2023.

High demand for train tickets occurs during the summer and winter periods (holiday season, holidays) and holidays.

In order to meet the needs of the population in providing free seats, Passenger Transportation JSC on the website has introduced the “Waiting List” service, which makes it possible to purchase tickets on a first-come, first-served basis with SMS confirmation sent to the client about the fact of reserved seats. Through the “Waiting List” service, 198 thousand applications were received in 2023, of which 69 thousand passengers purchased tickets (35%).

In Kazakhstan, in addition to Passenger Transportation JSC, 13 more private carriers provide services for transporting passengers by rail.

Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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