Қазақстан темiр жолы


About 29 million tons of cargo are stated in the main plan for transportation by rail


As of September of this year in the main plan, about 29 million tons of cargo are announced for transportation through the KTZ network. At the same time, more than 26 million tons were transported in August, which is 8% higher than the same period in the previous year. To ensure smooth transportation, the National Freight Carrier encourages shippers to clearly plan transportation.

The Cargo Transportation Rules provide for 2 types of cargo transportation planning: monthly transportation planning (main plan) and unscheduled transportation (additional plan).

When transporting to “third countries” through seaports and land border crossings, applications are submitted 20 days before the planned month. When transporting to the CIS countries, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and in interregional traffic within the Republic of Kazakhstan, applications under the main plan are accepted 14 days before the planned month.

Applications through the automated system are submitted to the Central Council for Railway Transport (the authorized body in matters of railway transport in the CIS and Baltic countries) to coordinate traffic volumes for the coming month.

KTZ held negotiations with Uzbekistan Temir Yollari JSC to increase the reception of loaded trains. A number of applications are currently being approved by the railway administrations of Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Tajikistan.

Additional cargo transportation plans will be reviewed in due course. The carrier may refuse to approve additional plans due to the limited capacity of the railway network, refusal of the destination country and for other reasons. In all cases of refusal, shippers are notified.


Press service of JSC «NC«Kazakhstan Temir Zholy»


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