Қазақстан темiр жолы

Semei railway station

The Semipalatinsk railway station was founded in 1915. On October 21, 1915, regular train traffic began from Novonikolaevsk station (Russia) to Semipalatinsk station. During the first 72 days of operation, 72 thousand passengers and 5.2 million pounds of cargo (83 million 200 thousand kg) were transported. In 1927, the construction of the Turksib began, with a length of 1,445 km, Semey-Aktogay-Alma-Ata, Chu, Lugovaya.

In 1972, the reconstruction of the station was carried out, in 2013, major repairs were carried out. Semey railway station as an architectural and planning object includes: a 3-storey passenger building of the original architectural structure, with a total area of 3037.9 sq.m., two passenger platforms without canopies, a forecourt.

The Semey station station is classified as first class and provides transportation of passengers, the population of the city and the adjacent districts of the East Kazakhstan region.


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