The uniqueness of the station complex lies in its modern composition of the structure, both in technical equipment and technological capabilities.
The Nurly Zhol Railway Station complex has been operating since June 1, 2017. In 2016, the design of the station won first place in the MIPIM AR Future Projects competition (an award program for unfinished projects, organized annually by the international real estate market in Cannes, France, in cooperation with the monthly international magazine Architectural Review).
Features of the structure
The station complex was built on the principle of "Station – bridge" replacing the usual stations of the "coastal" type, that is, the placement of the station on the concourse above the railway tracks – which is a kind of know-how of the modern way of layout of station buildings, thanks to greater efficiency, compactness, more rational use of space.
Trains arrive through an access overpass, 3,185 km long, directly into the interior of the structure.
6 railway receiving and sending tracks are connected to the station building. Boarding and disembarking of passengers from trains is carried out at the level of the third floor of the station complex.
Ramps for the arrival of vehicles to the 3rd floor level are connected to the station building on both sides.
The building area is 116,729.9 sq.m., consists of 6 floors and a technical floor.
The capacity of the station complex is 3000 passengers.
The capacity of the station complex is 35,000 passengers per day.
Elevators and escalators
A total of 64 escalators and 27 elevators have been installed.
Track development
Tracks No. 4 and No. 5 are provided for the reception of trains formed from TVZ cars (new and old type), KVZ, PRC and suburban electric trains.
Tracks No. 1, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 6 are designed to receive trains formed from Talgo wagons.
Parking spaces – 1,454 car spaces
Indoor parking, car-places - 740
Street Parking, car-places – 714.