Қазақстан темiр жолы

Ақтөбе теміржол вокзалы

Aktobe railway station


The main purpose of the extracurricular Aktobe railway station is to meet the needs of the population in passenger transportation, passenger safety when using railway transport, necessary amenities, high service culture.

Aktobe Station is a Class 1 precinct station, and the Aktobe station station belongs to an extracurricular station in terms of the volume of work performed. The Aktobe Railway Station building is a six-storey building.

The year of construction of the station building is 1976.

The last major repairs were carried out in 2013-2014 .

The total area of the station building is -7235.8 sq.m.

Passengers sent: in 2019 - an average of 2,937 passengers per day, in 2020 - an average of 1,453 passengers per day.

A total of 36 trains pass through Aktobe station (10 of them are fast, 6 are passenger, 4 are suburban trains).

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