Internal audit service
The Internal Audit Service is a body of NC KTZ JSC, directly subordinate to the Board of Directors, exercising control over the financial and economic activities of the NC KTZ JSC Group of Companies, assessment in the field of internal control, risk management, execution of documents in the field of corporate governance and consulting in order to improve the activities of the Group of Companies of JSC “NC“ KTZ ”.
The mission of the Internal Audit Service is to preserve and increase the value of the Company by conducting objective internal audits based on a risk-based approach, providing recommendations and sharing knowledge.
The main goal of the Internal Audit Service is to assist the Board of Directors and the Executive Body of the Company in improving the efficiency of the Company's management, improving its financial and economic activities, including through a systematic and consistent approach to the analysis and assessment of risk management systems, internal control and corporate governance as tools providing reasonable confidence in the achievement of the goals set for the Company.
The Internal Audit Service conducts its activities in compliance with the mandatory International Framework for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing (IPPF).
The main documents regulating the activities of the Internal Audit Service are:
Regulations on the Internal Audit Service of the National Company Kazakhstan Temir Zholy Joint Stock Company Policy on the organization of internal audit in the joint-stock company “National Company“ Kazakhstan Temir Zholy ”