• Assisting employees and/or a group of employees of the Company and subsidiaries if there is discrimination in terms of labor relations, labor disputes and social conflicts, and unethical behavior in labor relations;
• Assistance in improving the image of the Company and its subsidiaries through early warning and settlement of labor and social conflicts between participants in corporate relations in the NC KTZ JSC Group;
• Impartial and confidential resolution of labor disputes and social conflicts of employees, groups of employees, suppliers, clients of the Company and subsidiaries at an early stage;
• Advising employees who applied, participants in labor disputes, conflicts, and assisting them in developing a mutually acceptable, constructive, and feasible solution, taking into account compliance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, including confidentiality, if necessary;
• Assistance in solving problematic social and labor issues of employees of the Company and subsidiaries, as well as in compliance with the principles of business ethics by employees of the Company and subsidiaries;
• Development of recommendations for persons participating in a dispute, conflict or problematic situation on the settlement of conflicts (disputes);
• Assistance to the management of the Company and subsidiaries, as well as participants in a labor or social conflict in obtaining the necessary information through oral or written requests;
• Advising participants in labor and social conflicts on issues related to conflict situations, as well as assistance in maintaining the principles and rules of the Code of Ethics and Conduct, which are of a systemic, legal and organizational nature, in the company and subsidiaries, as well as on compliance with the principles of business ethics;
• Submitting for consideration to the relevant bodies and officials of the Company and/(or) subsidiaries the problematic issues identified by him/her, which are of a systemic nature and requiring appropriate decisions (comprehensive measures) from him/her, and putting forward constructive proposals for their solution.
• Making proposals to improve the internal regulatory documents of the Company within his/her competence;
• Adoption of other advisory measures, including those aimed at restoring violated rights and legitimate interests.
If you have any questions regarding the violation of your labor rights, please contact the Ombudsman’s Office of the NC Kazakhstan Temir Zholy JSC
Ombudsman of NC KTZ JSC: