Қазақстан темiр жолы

Board of directors list

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Yernat Berdigulov



Member of the Board of Directors of NC KTZ JSC, representative of the interests of the Sole Shareholder


Citizenship: Republic of Kazakhstan

Date of birth: September 3, 1987



  • 2007-2010, University of Toronto, Canada, Specialty: Public Policy and International Relations (direction: political economy), Bolashak Presidential Scholarship
  • 2011-2012, CIMA Diploma in Russian: Operational Performance Management and Business Performance Management 
  • 2015-2018, University of Warwick, UK. Specialty: Master of Business Administration


Work experience:

  • 2010-2011, Chief Specialist of the Business Administration Department, Semizbay-U LLP (subsidiary of NAC Kazatomprom JSC);
  • 2011-2012, Project Manager, Project Office for the Implementation of the Management Reporting System (MRS), Samruk-Kazyna JSC;
  • 2013-2018, Advisor to the Chairman of the Management Board (financial and economic issues), Director of the Analytical Support Department, Director of the Strategic Development Department, Director of the Project Management Department, Samruk-Energy JSC;
  • 2018-2019, Analyst of the Asset Management Directorate, Samruk-Kazyna JSC;
  • 2019-2021, Project Manager, Whiteshield Partners international consulting company;
  • April 2021-February 2022, Co-Managing Director for Strategy, Sustainable Development, and Digital Transformation, Samruk-Kazyna JSC; 
  • Since February 2022, Managing Director for Strategy and Asset Management of Samruk-Kazyna JSC.


Holds no shares in Company, the Company’s suppliers or competitors


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