Қазақстан темiр жолы



NC KTZ JSC pays special attention to corporate governance issues, realizing that its effectiveness directly affects the sustainability and successful development of the company. The interaction between shareholders, management and employees is considered a key element of the strategy aimed at creating a favorable and transparent corporate culture.

The Company strives to ensure compliance with the principles of transparency, responsibility and fairness in its activities. In addition, the implementation of best management practices helps to minimize the risks associated with the activity and ensures the efficient use of resources.

Corporate governance system

The corporate governance system of NC KTZ JSC is a set of processes that ensure the management and control of the Company's activities, as well as a system of relationships between the Executive Body – the Management Board, the Board of Directors, the Sole Shareholder and interested parties. 

The principles of corporate governance are defined in the Corporate Governance Code of NC KTZ JSC.

The competencies of the management bodies of NC KTZ JSC are clearly delineated and fixed in the Company's Charter.

Corporate governance structure

The two–level corporate governance system of NC KTZ JSC is a structure that includes two main levels of management: the Board of Directors and the executive body - the Management Board.

As of the 3rd quarter of 2024, the Board of Directors of NC KTZ JSC has 9 members, including 4 independent directors, 4 representatives of the interests of the sole shareholder and the Chairman of the Management Board of NC KTZ JSC.   The Board of NC KTZ JSC consists of nine people.





Board of directors Board of directors list Management board Board of directors list Corporate ombudsman Corporate documents Internal audit service
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